QGIS US Users Group
Email List
Enjoy QGIS? Have a meetup. Pick a location and get people together to discuss how they use QGIS.
QGIS is a non profit and runs off donations from users and organizations.

FOSS4GNA Birds of a Feather
If you're coming to FOSS4GNA in St Louis, We will be having a Birds of a Feather on the QGIS-us Group on Tuesday 9September 10th) from 5 to 5:30 in Grand A. Come to it! It's time to get the US Group active!
QGIS Feature Frenzy for 3.34 and 3.38
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL61DccAv5Y From Kurt Menke at FOSS4GE - this newly released video Shows the features you get in QGIS 3.34 and QGIS 3.38. Topics Include: GUI enhancements New Expressions Point cloud support Data Providers Processing 3D...
3.38.1 Release
If you've noticed, QGIS 3.38.1 has been released. In case you're curious: Read up here: https://qgis.org/project/visual-changelogs/visualchangelog338/ In case you wanted to watch a video: https://youtu.be/oktjj7xBZ54?si=hZWVWiOdXTZ1wmYJ
QGIS Tutorial from USFWS
This is the 4 hour QGIS tutorial from the 2024 National GIS workshop. Slightly updated from the previously shared 2022 tutorial. Dropped the Semi-Automatic Classification plugin and replaced it with Multi Ring Buffer plugin and related American Woodcock...